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Colombian Coffee with added value in technology

Economic indicators
Origin, Technology and Innovation

At Cavatech we are pioneers in specialty and biotechnology processes in Colombia applied to Coffee which, together with the microclimate and species of the environment, have achieved a unique quality that preserves all the organoleptic properties of the product until it reaches the hands of our customers.

Microorganisms and Bio-Fertilizers 
Logistics and Infrastructure
About us
Cafetal Cavatech

CAVA TECH SAS BIC began in 2015 with the purpose of producing coffee with added value that provides greater profitability to the main products of the region through the use of technology and innovation in order to enhance Quality Coffee and thus , achieve higher positioning.

Cavatech café de especialidad
Last News
Sala de reuniones de negocios

Asamblea extraordinaria 003

22 de Mayo de 2024


En la ciudad de San Pablo Nariño, siendo las 10:00 a.m. del día 10 del mes de mayo de 2024, la Asamblea de Accionistas, se reúne en sesión ordinaria y de forma presencial previa convocatoria realizada el día 6 del mes de mayo del año 2024 a través de correo electrónico y realizada por: Pedro Juan Botero Londoño en su calidad de representante legal, conforme a los estatutos.

reunión de negocios

The microclimate of Nariño

September 1, 2021


In most coffee growing areas, 32 weeks pass between flowering and filling and ripening of the coffee fruit, while in Nariño this happens between 35 to 36 weeks.

Apicultura Cavatech Colombia

Shelter, protection and reproduction of bees

September 1, 2021


We rescue swarms in danger of being burned or poisoned, we take them in nuclei built by ourselves and we dispose of them freely on the farm using beekeeping in a safe and adequate way.

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